Welcome to APMAS

The APMAS team took part in the India WaterCredit Forum 2024, which was hosted by partner Water.org in New Delhi on June 25, 2024. The meeting was attended by important representatives from the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, the Department of Regulation, the RBI, the DMD, NABARD, Water.org, its CEO and other team members, and important stakeholders in water and sanitation nationwide. Mr CS. Reddy, the founder and CEO of APMAS, participated in a panel discussion titled "Align. Build. Accelerate: The societal transformative power of WASH finance solutions" and offered his opinions on the subject.

Mr. CS Reddy, APMAS CEO's presentation on sustainable,
climate resilient agriculture in COP28, Dubai

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Mr. CS Reddy's message on
FPOs and SHGs

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APMAS videos APMAS Rythu Kosam videos

Talk the Walk
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click here to watch Felicitation of APMAS by ACCESS

News & events

  • Report on Policy Workshop on Engendering FPOs-Past-Present-Future
  • Training Program on Governance & Management in FPOs promoted by PRADAN
  • APMAS MoU with IIMR
  • Rayalaseema FPO Conference
  • SHG Federation National Awards - 2022
  • Engendering Farmer Producer Organisations: Strategies - Poster
  • Engendering Farmer Producer Oraganisations: Strategies - Brochure
  • Evolving the role of APMAS in promoting self-reliant Women-led Cooperatives over 2 decades
  • Foot & Mouth Disease - Pamphlet
  • Enterotoxaemia/Pulpy Kidney Disease - Pamphlet
  • APMAS 20 years Journey Notebook
  • Pamphlet on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • AGEEWA brochure
  • MSP- Step by Step Process for FPOs
  • Anubhava Reflections by Practitioners: A Compendium of APMAS Case Studies
  • Output Marketing & Value Addition - Telugu Poster
  • Output Marketing & Value Addition - English Poster
  • Tomato Early Blight Pamphlet
  • Tomato Late Blight Pamphlet
  • Tomato Package of Practices
  • Tomato Powdery Mildew Pamphlet
  • Padipantalu Pamphlet
  • Importance of Nutri/Kitchen Garden Pamphlet
  • Foot rot disease Flyer
  • Guli method of Ragi cultivation Pamphlet
  • Lumpy Skin Disease Poster
  • Navadhanya Farming Information Flyer
  • Nutri Garden Poster
  • Krishna Radha "Game Changers - Women in Agriculture" Award Winner 2020
  • APMAS Press Note
  • Vegetable Nursery and Tomato Seedling Management Guide
  • Feild Grown Tomatoes Production Technology guide
  • Flyer on FPO BoD Self-learning Modules & Posters
  • Telangana State Level Meeting on FPOs Report - 2019
  • Farmer Development Centre - Poster
  • Model Tomato Vegetable Nursery - Poster
  • FPO Incubation Centre - Poster
  • FPO Institutional Model - Poster
  • Collective Procurements of Inputs by FPO
  • The Business Model Canvas
  • FPO led Innovations in Tomato Value Chain
  • Collective Marketing of Vegetables by FPO - Poster
  • Empowering Communities And Transforming Rural Livelihoods - APMAS Livelihoods Brochure
  • Dos & Donts in Vegetable Nursery Management Pamphlet
  • Pest & Disease Management for Tomato Crop (Telugu)
  • Effectiveness of Urban SHGs in Improving Nutririon & Health Outcomes of Pregnant, Lactating Women and Adolescent Girls Brochure (English)
  • Effectiveness of Urban SHGs in Improving Nutririon & Health Outcomes of Pregnant, Lactating Women and Adolescent Girls Brochure (Telugu)
  • Nutrition Flip-I
  • Nutrition Flip-II
  • Nutrition Flip-III
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    Mahila Sadhikaratha Monthly Magazine

    APMAS has been bringing out a monthly magazine ‘Mahila Sadhikaratha' which is geared towards the empowerment of women.

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    CSR Approval

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