Social Stock Exchange:SSE Means a separate segment of a recognized stock exchange having nationwide trading terminals permitted to register Not for Profit Organizations and / or list the securities issued by Not-for-Profit Organizations

  • APMAS-NSE-SSE- Registration Certificate
  • APMAS - Reference Guide to Register on NSE - SSE
  • Pro's and Con's of Registration
    # Advantages of Registration Disadvantages of Registration
    1 PAN India based recognition Separate Registration for each stock exchange
    2 Certificate of Standards Vast compliance requirements
    3 Listing is not compulsory Enhanced cost of compliance
    4 Ready for raising of funds if necessary Threat of blacklisting
    5 Ample of Donors / Funders No exemption from Social Audit and Social Impact report, even if no funds raised
    6 Improved quality of reporting Compliance requirements may increase in future
    7 May become mandatory in future Compliance requirements may increase in future
    8 May become mandatory for certain Donors No guidelines on annual renewal of registration and De-registering