Borpatla is one of the Gram Panchayats (GP) of Hathnoora Mandal in Sangareddy District of Telangana. A total of 578 families are residing in this village. It is located 12 KM towards East from District headquarters Sangareddy and 4 KM from the Mandal headquarters. The village is significantly underdeveloped in terms of infrastructural facilities. There is one high school and one primary school in this village. Aurobindo Pharma Unit 1 is located in the village and most of the households depend on this company to eke out a livelihood. This project supports and complements the scheme Grama Jyothi of Government of Telangana in developing villages of rural Telangana into model villages.
Goal | To transform Borpatla into a Model Village through a community-led process towards an inclusive & holistic development |
Objective | Strengthening people’s institutions by developing stronger community participation |
Location | Borpatla Village, Hathnoora Mandal, Sangareddy District, Telangana |
Outreach | 578 HHs – Village Population- 1817 (M-882 & F- 937) |
Period | 2016-19 |
Donor | Aurobindo Pharma Ltd |
Partnership | Government of Telangana |
Team | Project Manager (50%), Project Officer (1) |
Over the past few months an important area of intervention has been establishing a Farmer Producer Organization for the villages of Borapatla and Reddykhanapur. There are around 1500 small and marginal farmers in both the villages where the major crops grown are paddy and cotton.
Project Goal: Enhance the productivity and profitability of farmers through establishment of farmer producer organisation and custom hiring centre in Borapatla & Reddykhanapur
Project Objectives: The following are the objectives of the project:
Significant constraints and challenges have been faced in the implementation of the project
We continue to focus on community-led development and bottom-up approach through strengthening of institutions in addressing the development needs and priorities of the village such as water & sanitation, health & nutrition, education, social security, environmental protection through plantation, skill development, infrastructure development and promotion of good governance. We continue to invest in building perspective among the communities on the concept of participatory decision making and inclusive development. The support from the district administration is crucial and MAS is highly confident of tapping their support and resources. We look forward to intensive and meaningful interventions and the communities taking up more role in the days to come in Borapatla.
![]() RO plant for safe drinking water |
![]() Wall writings on school walls |
![]() Cement roads laid in the village (1.3 km) |
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